Answer :
The author uses this long descriptive sentence but his use of commas makes the long sentence run smoothly. " ...was shorter of leg and longer of arm , with muscles........stingy and knotty rather than..... swelling." The author also sets a balance with adjectives belonging to the same group : " shorter .... longer "; " stingy ..knotty". The sentence the author uses to describe the fact the man is afraid of darkness is also long but runs smoothly ; this makes the reader get a clear picture of the beastly characteristics of this man. " ........ into which he peered continually , clutching ...., which hung ....., a stick ..." There is a repetition of clauses begining with 'which' . This makes the reader get a picture of the man as if he were being shown with a movie camera. The man was afraid of darkness. He showed his feelings through the sounds he made. He also peered into the drakness without stopping . He was so scared that he held his walking stick tightly.
The author has described a man who had animal characteristics. The man looked like an animal and he was scared of the dark. The picture of a frightened wild man has been created.