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Which area impacted the United States the most, in your opinion? After reading primary source documents that focus on the economic, politicaland environmentalimpact during the mid-1800’s, write an argumentative essay (DBQ) that addresses the question and supports your position with text evidence from the documents. Be sure to acknowledge competing views.

Your essay should have 3 main parts:


2.Claim evidence(cite from your documents)

3.Commentary –write a detailed conclusion

Answer :


An early landmark moment in the Industrial

Revolution came near the end of the eighteenth

century, when Samuel Slater brought new

manufacturing technologies from Britain to the

United States and founded the first U.S. cotton

mill in Beverly, Massachusetts. Slater’s mill, like

many of the mills and factories that sprang up in

the next few decades, was powered by water, which

confined industrial development to the northeast at

first. The concentration of industry in the Northeast

also facilitated the development of transportation

systems such as railroads and canals, which

encouraged commerce and trade.

The technological innovation that would come to mark

the United States in the nineteenth century began

to show itself with Robert Fulton’s establishment of

steamboat service on the Hudson River, Samuel F. B.

Morse’s invention of the telegraph, and Elias Howe’s

invention of the sewing machine, all before the Civil

War. Following the Civil War, industrialization in the

United States increased at a breakneck pace. This

period, encompassing most of the second half of

the nineteenth century, has been called the Second

Industrial Revolution or the American Industrial

Revolution. Over the first half of the century, the

country expanded greatly, and the new territory

was rich in natural resources. Completing the first

transcontinental railroad in 1869 was a major

milestone, making it easier to transport people, raw

materials, and products. The United States also had

vast human resources: between 1860 and 1900,

fourteen million immigrants came to the country,

providing workers for an array of industries.

The American industrialists overseeing this

expansion were ready to take risks to make their

businesses successful. Andrew Carnegie established

the first steel mills in the U.S. to use the British

“Bessemer process” for mass producing steel,

becoming a titan of the steel industry in the

process. He acquired business interests in the mines that produced the raw material for steel, the mills

and ovens that created the final product and the

railroads and shipping lines that transported the

goods, thus controlling every aspect of the steelmaking process.  Other industrialists,

including John D.

Rockefeller, merged

the operations of many

large companies to form

a trust. Rockefeller’s

Standard Oil Trust came

to monopolize 90% of

the industry, severely

limiting competition.

These monopolies

were often accused of

intimidating smaller businesses and competitors in

order to maintain high prices and profits. Economic

influence gave these industrial magnates significant

political clout as well. The U.S. government adopted

policies that supported industrial development such

as providing land for the construction of railroads

and maintaining high tariffs to protect American

industry from foreign competition.

American inventors like Alexander Graham Bell

and Thomas Alva Edison created a long list of

new technologies that improved communication,

transportation, and industrial production. Edison

made improvements to existing technologies,

including the telegraph while also creating

revolutionary new technologies such as the light

bulb, the phonograph, the kinetograph, and the

electric dynamo. Bell, meanwhile, explored new

speaking and hearing technologies, and became

known as the inventor of the telephone.

For millions of working Americans, the industrial

revolution changed the very nature of their daily

work. Previously, they might have worked for themselves at home, in a small shop, or outdoors,

crafting raw materials into products, or growing

a crop from seed to table. When they took factory

jobs, they were working for a large company. The

repetitive work often involved only one small step

in the manufacturing process, so the worker did not

see or appreciate what was being made; the work

was often dangerous and performed in unsanitary

conditions. Some women entered the work force, as

did many children. Child labor became a major issue.

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