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Isobar lines mark wind speed and direction. Winds are directed from areas where there is more atmospheric pressure to where there is less. Therefore, we can know this information just by analyzing the values ​​of isobars. When we see the isobars placed in smaller circles, the center indicates a center of pressure. It can be both high, with the symbol A, and low, with the symbol B.

We must know that the air does not flow down the pressure gradients. It moves around them due to the Coriolis effect (of the earth's rotation). Therefore, the isobars that are clockwise are anticyclonic flows and the opposite cyclonic flows. An anticyclone is synonymous with high temperatures and good weather. The cyclone is atmospheric instability that results in a storm. The closer the isobars are to each other, the stronger the wind speed will be.

When a cyclone takes place, it is usually accompanied by storms with an increase in clouds, winds, temperatures and rainfall. This is represented on the weather map with isobars close together. The arrows travel counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and with a "T" in the middle isobar.

High pressure conditions do not represent rainfall. The air is drier and is represented by an H in the isobar of the medium. The arrows circulate in the direction of the wind. In the direction of clockwise in the northern hemisphere.

The first is the cold front. When a cold front passes through an area, rainfall is likely to be torrential and windy. In the meteorological maps they are represented by blue lines and triangles on the side of the direction of movement of the front.

The second type is the warm front. It implies an increase in temperatures as it approaches. The sky clears quickly when the front passes. If the mass of hot air is unstable, some storms may occur. They are represented on the weather map with red lines and semicircles on the side where they are directed.

The last type of is an occluded front. It is formed when a cold front exceeds a warm one. They are associated with some weather effects such as storms. There may be a hot or cold occlusion. When an occluded front comes, the air becomes drier. They are represented by a purple line and semicircles and triangles in the wind direction.

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