

Write a summary of any sports event, that happened in Ecuador, in Spanish using vocabulary related to sports and activities.

Answer :



Football is the most popular sport, followed by baseball, volleyball, basketball, and tennis. Since 2005, Ecuador has been greatly involved in sports and hosted the Guayaquil Marathon in Ecuador's largest city.

Answer: Although Ecuador’s most popular sport is football, the country is diverse in its sports. On the first Sunday of October, Ecuador hosts 2000 runners for a marathon. Established in 2005, the Guayaquil Marathon has multiple distances for runners. This event hosts a 10K, half marathon, and full marathon. In the most recent years, Ecuadorian runners have taken home victory in both the women’s and men’s divisions. Currently, Ecuador has taken a total of 21 victories, while Kenya has taken 4 victories. Lastly, Colombia took home 3 victories so far.

Explanation: Aunque el deporte más popular de Ecuador es el fútbol, ​​el país es diverso en sus deportes. El primer domingo de octubre, Ecuador recibe a 2000 corredores para una maratón. Establecido en 2005, el Maratón de Guayaquil tiene múltiples distancias para los corredores. Este evento alberga una maratón de 10 km, media maratón y maratón completo. En los últimos años, las corredoras ecuatorianas se han llevado a casa la victoria tanto en la división femenina como en la masculina. Actualmente, Ecuador ha obtenido un total de 21 victorias, mientras que Kenia ha obtenido 4 victorias. Por último, Colombia se llevó a casa 3 victorias hasta el momento.

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