Answer :
An abstract paragraph is a paragraph that describes to the audience what your report or written assignment will be about. However, it doesn’t persuade, claim or refute. It’s just there to state what the whole essay or writing is about. Referring the abstract paragraph I took the liberty to make it; those 3 dots on the end is so you can add whatever you want in the final sentence.
For many centuries the human being has always had the spiritual need to adore and worship a being that is much more superior to themselves. Though many ask themselves why it’s important to know that the same as a car or a stove had a Creator the same goes with human beings; we have been built with the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities to worship with joy the very person who caused the human existence. How people decide to worship this God is of personal choice though it is not always the correct way. Throughout the world there are many beliefs and established religions that affirm to serve with harmony and perfection the creator. Though it is an established fact that not all religions lead the individual to the right path to learn and draw close to God and many use religion as a weak excuse to do what it is wrong. The sole purpose of this article is to provide solid research and answers to ...
I also did this as an extra to help you with your essay
Extra: In Islam god’s personal name is Allah and the Quran is the main book of guidance. Muhammad was the main founder of the religion and those who are part of the religion believe he was used by God to be a prophet. Also, the opinion that is given of God in the Islamic religion is stated in Surah 1:1-7 “Blessed be God, compassionate, merciful, sovereign of the day of judgement. To you we only serve”. Such words can be tremendously moving to anyone trying to draw closer to a God who is of tender compassion and not hateful or vengeful. However, some beliefs from the Quran is not entirely accurate due to the fact that man has no soul when he/she dies and there is no heaven for the good or hell for the wicked. Other religions such as that of Christianity vary greatly from one another but follow similar traits from the Islamic religion. For example: Catholicism promotes the belief in a trinity, hellfire and a heaven; trinity is not part of the Quran. These beliefs originated from Egypt and Babylon; leader empire in creating fantastical myths to uncover the meaning of life. The Bible clearly does not promote hellfire as an official teaching when you read the texts of Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 “The living have conscious that they will die but the dead knows nothing at all” Also, a magazine published by the Watchtower stated: “Have you ever seen someone tortured? We hope not. Deliberate torture is sickening and abhorrent. What, though, of torture inflicted by God? Can you imagine such a thing? Yet, this is exactly what is implied by the teaching of hellfire, an official doctrine in many religions. A magazine stated logic in the matter saying: “Imagine, for a moment, the following horrific scene: A person is being roasted on a hot iron plate. In his agony he screams for mercy, but nobody listens. The torture goes on and on, hour after hour, day after day—without pause! Whatever crime the victim may have committed, would not your heart go out to him? What of the one who ordered the torture? Could he be a loving person? In no way! Love is merciful and shows pity. A loving father may punish his children, but he would never torture them!”