Answer :



Hypercholesterolemia is intimately linked to atherosclerosis, a degenerative disorder that affects the arteries in which atheroma plaques form.


The main consequence of excess blood cholesterol is the development of coronary heart (CH) disease. Numerous studies have shown that CH are more frequent in populations whose diet is rich in saturated fats and cholesterol, and have elevated serum cholesterol levels, while in populations with low LDL cholesterol levels, such as Japan and China, it is lower the rate of coronary heart disease.

Atheroma plaques are deposits of various lipids, especially cholesterol, proteins and calcium salts, which totally or partially obstruct the vessels of the arteries and cause a lack of irrigation.

If the lack of irrigation is located in the coronary arteries that supply the heart, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction can occur. If it occurs in the cerebral arteries, cerebral hemorrhages and thrombosis are frequent. When the obstruction is located in the extremities it can favor the gangrene of a member and, in the worst case, its amputation. Likewise, atherosclerosis causes aneurysms or excessive dilations of the aorta that can cause its rupture.

Excess blood cholesterol can be deposited in various places in the body, such as the cornea, where yellowish plaques form on the skin and eyelids. Other factors that facilitate the onset of atheromas are tobacco use, diabetes, abdominal obesity and male membership.


The process of Atheroma formation in a patient with Hypercholesterolemia is discussed below.


  • Atherosclerosis is a method in which cholesterol, fats such as blood and other substances make up on your artery walls.
  • Ultimately, precipitates designated plaques may develop. The precipitates may narrow or tackle your arteries. These plaques can also burst, making a blood clotting.
  • Large cholesterol levels can commence to obstructed arteries that arise from a method identified as atherosclerosis or thickening of the arteries.

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