Which of the following pairs of protists and their ecological roles are correctly matched? A) apicomplexans parasites of animals B) euglenozoans-primarily mixotrophic C) dinoflagellates-parasites of plants D) entamoebas-free-living soil organisms

Answer :

The types of protists which usually act as animal parasites are called Apicomplexans.

Answer: Option A


Contamination by parasitic protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa makes causes infection to people as well as animals. horticultural creatures. Apicomplexan parasites incorporate Plasmodium speices the causative agents of of intestinal sickness; Toxoplasma gondii, a noteworthy pathogen in immunocompromised people; Eimeria speices whcih acts as pathogens of chicken and dairy cattle; Theileria species casues tick-borne parasites of cows in Africa; and Cryptosporidium, whcih acts as paristie for both animal as well as human.

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