what are two challenges facing most of latin america today
*high teenage pregnancy rates
*high taxes for farmers
*drug cartels
*one party political party system

pick 2

Answer :



*high teenage pregnancy rates

*drug cartels



*high teenage pregnancy rates

Promiscuity is one the biggest problems that adolescents are presenting due to their interest to explore their bodies and sexuality. In Latin America, this a snag since the teenagers aren't conscious that having sex is more than just a physical act but also emotional and we must do it using the appropriate protection when no birthing is wanted.

*drug cartels

This is a problem that has been repeating along the last century due to widespread poorness in Latin America, so the selling of drugs is an "easy" business the people have access to. Of course, as the money is apparently easy-earnable many people see that as an alternative to overcome poorness.

Best regards.

Answer:*high teenage pregnancy rates

*drug cartels


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