
19. Jimenez is an emergency medical technician. Medical personnel such as Jimenez are pro­hibited by state statute from working more than a certain num­ber of consecutive hours. One month, Jimenez works more than the legal limit. Jimenez can recover fora. the hours up to the statutory maximum but not more.b. the hours up to the statutory maximum and the extra hours.c. the hours up to the statutory maximum or the extra hours.d. nothing.

Answer :



B) the hours up to the statutory maximum and the extra hours.


Even though the state regulations prohibit Jimenez from working over the legal limit, his employer (e.g. hospital or clinic) has to pay him for the full hours that the state regulation permitted him to work plus the extra hours he worked (overtime work). His employer is responsible for allowing Jimenez to work overtime so they must pay him for the full amount of hours worked.  

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