Answer :
Conflict between Hutus and Tutsi population caused violence in Rwanda and Burundi
Tutsi were a minor populated tribe that originated from Ethiopia and Hutus came from the tribe called Chad. Tutsis were oppressed by Hutus and because of which there was huge gulf between these two identical tribes. Tutsi wanted to take revenge against the Hutus who incessantly despotic against Tutsis. A civil was broke between Hutus and Tutsi that led to Rwandan genocide.
Hutus were so gritty to wipe out the Tutsi clan and with clubs and machetes, Hutus started to kill at least ten thousand Tutsis per day which continued for nearly hundred days and a million Tutsi populations was wiped out.
Rwandan Patriotic Front was a rebel union which comprised of Tutsi refugees who were small in number and they were wild to seek revenge against the mass slaughter. Rwanda was led by the Hutu leader. In order to depose the Hutu led government RPF rebel group assaulted on Rwanda from Uganda.