Answer :
Answer for Question 1:
Code for the first question:
#section 1
# Prompt for accurate day month and year
while True:
day = int(input("Enter the day of month: "))
if day > 31 or day < 1:
month = int(input("Enter the month in numeric form: "))
if month > 12 or month < 1:
year = int(input("Enter the year in two digit format: "))
if year > 99 or year < 0:
print("Error: invalid year input.")
print("Error: invalid month input.")
print("Error: invalid day input.")
# We have a valid date, lets determine whether it's magic or not
#Section 2
# Calculate the mutliplication of day and month
dayxMonth = day * month
# Display the results to the screen
print("The date ", day, "/", month, "/", year, end=" ")
# Calculates whether the entered date is a magic date
if dayxMonth == year:
print ("is a magic date.")
print ("is not a magic date.")
Explanation for Question 1:
#section 1
The Try and Except block in combination with the while loop is used to ensure that all inputs are accurate if there is an error in the input, it prompts the user to enter a valid input and states the problem with the input.
Each try block contains an if statement for day, month and year respectively.
#Section 2
calculates the multiplication of day and month,
compares it with the year to find out if it's magic and finally prints the result to the screen
Answer for Question 2:
Code for the second question:
print("Time Calories Burned in minutes")
print("---- ---------")
for time in range(10,31,5):
print(time,cburn,sep=' ')
Explanation for Question 2:
- for time in range(10,31,5):
A for loop is used to iterate over a range of values.
from 10 to 31 and the skipper is 5.
The skipper is how many numbers are skipped before the for lop takes another value from the range.
- cburn=3.9*time
print(time,cburn,sep=' ')
the values provided by the range are 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes.
we then calculate the calories for each value and print then to the screen.