Lucas is fighting with his younger brother over a toy. His father breaks up the fight and gently explains to Lucas how he could have avoided the fight with his brother. Instead of scolding his son, he communicates his points in a calm and peaceful manner. Lucas is encouraged to share his feelings and try to share with his brother. Lucas's father is most likely a(n) ________ parent.

Answer :





There are 4 different styles of parenting:

  • Authoritarian
  • Authoritative
  • Permissive
  • Uninvolved

Both Authoritative and authoritarian styles of parenting focus on authority, this means that they set rules and expect their children to follow the rules.

However, the authoritarian parenting is a cold style of parenting which doesn't allow for questions from the kids ("because I say so") so there is a one directional style of communication. These parents focus on punishing the wrong behavior and they believe in total control and lack of independence from their children.

Authoritative parents are nurturing so they are warmer than the Authoritarian parents, they allow children to ask why so they explain limits by reasoning with their kids, they also focus on teaching the right behaviors rather than punishing the wrong ones and when there are wrong behaviors they focus on consequences rather than on punishments.

Permissive parents think "kids will be kids" so they tend to be very forgiving when it comes to rules and they don't usually set consequences, but, when they do, they don't really stick to them.

Uninvolved parents are cold and distant but also they don't expect much from their children so, basically, their children lack attention, and we can say they are neglected.

In this example, Lucas is fighting over a toy. His father breaks the fight and explains to Lucas how he could have avoided the fight (instead of scolding), Lucas is encouraged to share his feelings and share with his brother.

We can see that there are rules in this family (you are not supposed to fight) and that Lucas' father expects Lucas to follow those rules. However, Lucas' father reasons with him and teaches him the right behavior (share with his brother) rather than punishes the wrong behavior (the fight), he seems to be nurturing by the way he deals with the situation so we can say he is most likely and Authoritative parent.

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