Answer :
Circuit training
Circuit training is a style of workout where you cycle through several exercises (usually five to 10) targeting different muscle groups with minimal rest in between. Circuit training is a method of fitness training that is designed to develop general, all-round physical and cardiovascular fitness
The result is a workout that taxes your muscular strength and endurance and your cardiorespiratory system.
There are 6 kinds of circuit training:
- Muscular Endurance Circuit
This type of circuit is typically used during the pre- season. Balancing muscle groups is the central focus when selecting exercises.
- Cardiovascular Endurance Circuit
Like the ME circuit, a CVE circuit would tend to be used during the pre-season. It uses many of the movements that are typical of an aerobics session. The movements include dynamic actions using large muscle groups.
- Combined CVE and ME Circuit
In many cases, the goal of the circuit is to improve CVE and ME simultaneously. This aspect of fitness is generally targeted and developed during the pre-season, and can be achieved by designing and conducting a combined CVE circuit and ME.
- Medicine Ball Power Circuit
Medicine balls are weighted balls that can be used to develop power. They range in size from 1 kg to 10 kg. With beginners it is recommended to use a lighter weight, such as a 3 kg medicine ball.
- Anaerobic Circuit
The most appropriate time to use an anaerobic circuit is just before and during the competitive season. An anaerobic circuit should only be used with athletes who have a good overall level of fitness and who participate in a sport with a high anaerobic demand.
- Sport-specific Circuit
To meet the specific requirements of a sport, it is advisable
to design a circuit that is sport-specific. In addition to being specific to the sport that the athlete is involved in, a circuit should be related to the age (chronological and training), fitness levels (in particular the fitness weaknesses) and desires / aims of the athletes.
Some of the benefits of using a circuit trainig are:
1. Circuit training is a great boredom buster: Moving quickly from one exercise to the next means your mind doesn't have time to wander or tune out.
2. An all-strength circuit burns 30 percent more calories (about nine per minute!) than a typical weight workout and offers more cardio benefits.
3. A circuit training workout that combines cardio and strength moves will blast fat and sculpt muscle. It can also burn up to 10 calories a minute.