Answer :

Central and peripheral routes are the two routes to persuasion. There are several techniques of persuasion.


A theory that explains change of attitudes is ELM which expands to Elaboration Likelihood Model. According to this theory there are two routes of persuasion. The first is the central route to persuasion in which people are make a choice by considering the true merits of the choice they have in front of them.

In central persuasion high level of cognitive thinking is involved.Choosing a car bases on cost, fuel efficiency, reliability, etc is an example of persuasion in central route. In peripheral route persuasion is associated with positive and negative cues in the stimulus. Factors like attractiveness may influence a choice in peripheral route.

A person Choosing a car by being impressed by its color, speed, etc is an example of persuasion in peripheral route. Key techniques of persuasion are creating a need, appealing to social needs, using lauded words and images, utilising the power of reciprocity, Going big and then small, creating an anchor point for your negotiations and  limiting your availability.

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