
Joe is a 35-year-old male who slipped on some ice while shoveling snow in his driveway. He fell onto his back and felt pain in his lower spine when standing. Joe continued to finish the driveway. He took an analgesic and applied a heating pad when he was finished. The next day he was unable to stand upright when he got out of bed, and the pain increased when he moved. Joe made an appointment with Dr. Steinberg. After examination, Dr. Steinberg diagnosed a possible herniated disk. He recommended conservative treatment but advised Joe to return if the pain didn't subside in a few weeks. If the pain continued, he would order an MRI and a myelogram. Surgery might be an option at that time, and the myelography would aid in the decision whether to perform a laminectomy or a microdiscectomy. What is the difference between a laminectomy and endoscopic microdiscectomy?

Answer :


The difference between a laminectomy and endoscopic microdiscectomy is that: an endoscopic microdiscectomy is a endoscopic surgical technique that allows direct visualization of the disc and the nerves and it can be performed as extradiscal or as an intradiscal descectomy procedure. This procedure is used to decompress nerve roots damaged by compressed spinal discs. Whereas a laminectomy is the removal of the back wall of the spine to open up the canal that the sac of nerve travel through in order to relieve compression of nerve root or the spinal code that might have been cause by injury.


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