Answer :
1. No puedo ir a la escuela porque estoy enferma.
2. Si me ayudas con mi tarea, te ayudaré con la tuya.
3. Aunque me diga que me ama, no le creeré.
4. Antes de que te vayas, llámame.
5. Les cuento esta historia con objeto de decir la verdad.
1. I cannot go to school because I'm sick.
In the first sentence, we used the Spanish conjunction porque which means because. It is used to introduce clauses that indicate cause, and in Spanish it is referred to as conector de causalidad. Words or group of words such as porque, puesto que, visto que etc. introduce dependent clauses that respond to the question WHY.
2. If you help me with my homework, I'll help you with yours.
In this example, we have the word si, meaning if. The conjunction si introduces sentences known as conditional sentences. In these, we have one independent clause (I'll help you with yours.) and one dependent clause (If you help me with my homework). This type of dependent clauses responds to the question ON WHAT CONDITION. Other conectores de condición are siempre que, a condición de que etc.
3. Even if he tells me he loves me, I won't believe him.
The conjunction aunque introduces concession and these clauses are called concessive clauses. This means that these types of clauses concess, they let something be. The dependent clause (introduced with aunque) can be understood as saying EVEN THOUGH THIS, I won't believe him. Other conjunctions we use in these sentences are a pesar de, por más que , si bien, etc.
4. Before you leave, call me.
In this example we've used the conjunction antes de que, meaning before. It is a conjunction introducing temporal clauses, and answering to the question WHEN. There are other conjunctions that can be used such as cuando, después de que, etc. Antes de que and cuando introduce the subjunctive mode.
5. I' telling you this story in order to tell you the truth.
The conjunction we used here is con objeto de and it is used to introduce clauses of purpose. These clauses can easily be identified since they answer to the question FOR WHAT PURPOSE. Other conjunctions of purpose are para (que), con el objetivo de (que), a fin de (que).