ccording to the word entry, which syllable is accented in the word syllable?

syl•la•ble ( ˈsi-lə-bəl) n. 1a: unit of spoken language that consists of a single continuous sound formed by a vowel, diphthong, or syllabic consonant alone, or by any of these sounds preceded, followed, or surrounded by one or more consonants. b: One or more letters or phonetic symbols written to approximate a spoken syllable. 2: The smallest bit of spoken or written expression: Do not change a syllable of this message. [Middle English sillable, from Anglo-Norman, alteration of Old French sillabe, from Latin syllaba, from Greek sullabe, from sullabein, second aorist of sullambanein, to combine in pronunciation : sun-, syn- + lambanein, to take.]




Answer :

Every word has only one word stress. Word stress may differ depending on the language used. Word stress is important because it improves pronunciation and comprehension of the words in a certain language. In this item, the given word is the word "syllable". The accented part in the word syllable is the first syllable. The answer is option B.

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