Answer :
The answers for eache point are:
1. Ninguna
2. Tampoco
3. No/Ni
4. Turistas
- Los turistas no están buscando ninguna aventura.
- Los turistas no conocen bien la isla y el guía tampoco.
- El guía turístico no encontró el campamento ni las ruinas.
- Algunos turistas quieren regresar a la ciudad.
The options for each question are:
alguna (some)
ninguna (none) This is the correct one because is a negative sentences and should end with a negative response.
Tampoco (neither) Correct because the sentence is about two groups of people who does not know any information.
También (also) This is an afirmative.
3. In this part the first negative statement it has to be used No and when in the same sentence is used a second negative response it has to be used ni.
Algunos (some (plural)) this is a afirmative sentence. Because of that is better to use algunos
Ningún (nobody)