Answer :

The Federalists desired to have a powerful government and a stable executive branch. The Federalists did not wanted to have the bill of rights because they believed that the new constitution was satisfactory.

Federalists' ideas could be suitably defined as a nationalist. The Federalists played important role in 1787 in forming the new US Constitution, which established the federal government.


The Federalists believed a workable government:

A) Would give more power to the federal government in comparison to state governments.

B) Would separate the powers/responsibilities of the federal government into different branches.

Further Explanation:

At the Constitutional Convention, there were two different groups that argued over the creation of the US Constitution. This included the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Federalists believed in a strong federal government while the Anti-Federalists believed that state governments should have more power than the federal government.

The Federalist believed that a weak central government would result in a terrible government structure. This rationale was based on America's experience under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation, America's first constitution, had a weak central government and lasted less than a decade.

To ensure that the federal government did not become too corrupt, the Federalists proposed the idea of a system of checks and balances. This would divide the tasks of the federal government into different branches. This concept was implemented and is still used today.

Learn More:

Explanation of difference between Federalists and Anti-Federalists-

System of Checks and Balances Explained-

Key Details:

Topic: American History, American Government

Grade Level: 7-12

Keywords: Federalists, Anti-Federalists, checks and balances, separation of power, Constitutional Convention

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