Answer :


(A) Selecting Normal from the Quick Styles Gallery

(B) Expanding the Quick Styles Gallery and select Normal

(C) Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+N

(D) All of the above

Answer is D.


Answer is D. You can select Normal from the quick style Gallery. Expand the quick style Gallery and Select the Normal. Or you can select the CTRL+Shift +N.

Hence, all of the given options are correct and you can select any of them for the above purpose, and hence the correct answer is D. All of the above.

By pressing control + z this actions will achieve this result. So that current document undo to previous stage.


In word document 2016 once he done the changes, immediately Mr. Abdul can do undo by pressing control + z the current document undo to previous stage.

Mr. Abdul also has make sure before apply changes to current document.

Normally we changes exiting normal style to user define style document has to saved. Suppose if Mr. Abdul changed in the word document to new style. He can close the document without save the document and reopen or reload the documents.

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