Genetic variation is the raw material for evolution. Explain three cellular and/or molecular mechanisms that introduce variation into the gene pool of a plant or animal population.

Answer :



Genetic variation in offspring during sexual reproduction is caused by

  • crossing over
  • independent assortment
  • randomized fertilization

Further Explanation:

All the genetic information within the eukaryotic cell is stored within the nucleus as helical DNA. This DNA is tightly wound around histones as chromosomes. To produce daughter cells during cell division, the chromosomes (total number of chromosomes (2n)) are copied before the cell splits into two daughter cells. This process is known as mitosis, and occurs in cell division and growth processes. Two new nuclei are formed, along with identical cells. These are the same as the parent cell and the chromosome number (2n) is maintained.

Conversely in meiosis, the number of chromosomes (2n) is halved through meiotic divisions, producing 4 (n) germ cells (sperm or eggs), each containing half the number of chromosomes as its parent cell.

  • crossing over: the exchange of segments of chromosome, between non-sister homologous or similar chromatids crossing over happens at chiasmata, the point where non-sister chromosomes are joined.
  • independent assortment in metaphase I of meiosis: chromosomes align independently and genes segregate independently into new combinations
  • randomized fertilization: sperm cells fertilize an ovum to form a zygote. This occurs randomly by chance, to result in a complete set of chromosomes 2n, that is a novel combination of half each parent's number of chromosomes

Learn more about mitosis at

Learn more about transcription at

Learn more about DNA and RNA at


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