Answer :
For this exercise we have to complete the situations with the correct verb ESTAR.
For this sentences we have to use the appropriate form of the verb ESTAR. The verb estar is used to express temporary situations such as location, state, feelings and emotions.The verb estar is conjugated in present like this:
yo estoy
tú estás
él/ella/usted está
nosotros estamos
ustedes están
ellos/ellas están
Vicente y Mónica tienen sueño . Ellos están cansados. (Vicente and Monica are sleepy. They are tired)
No tenemos razón . Nosotros estamos equivocados (We are not right. We are wrong)
El pasajero tiene miedo. Él está nervioso. (The passenger is scared. He is nervous)
Paloma se quiere casar con (marry) su novio. Ella está enamorada de su novio. (Paloma wants to marry her boyfriend. She is in love with him)
Los abuelos de Irene van de vacaciones a Puerto Rico. Ellos están contentos . (Irene's grandparents are going to Puerto Rico on vacations. They are content)
No sé (I don't know) si el examen va a ser fácil o difícil. No estoy seguro si el examen va a ser fácil o difícil. (I don't know if the exam is going to be easy or difficult. I am not sure if the sure if the examn is going to be easy or difficult. )