Classify each situation as exponential growth, exponential decay, or linear.

1) exponential decay
2) linear
3) exponential growth
Step-by-step explanation:
1) The first question is like, initially 600 people watched, after 3 days 480.
This means it is decay. The difference in first day and after 3 days is 120.
To be linear, further after 3 days, or from start after 6 days, the population should be 360. But it is given to be 384.
Thus exponential decay.
2) In second, Initially, 400 liters of water is there. After 2 hours, the tank has 340 litres. Thus the loss in 2 hours is (400 - 340) = 60 liters.
After 4 hours, the loss is (340 -280) = 60 liters.
As the loss is same in equal intervals of time, the decay is linear.
3) In third one, Initially there are 512 birds.
After 2 years there are 768 birds, thus the growth is (768-512) =256.
After 4 years, There are 1152 birds. Thus the growth is (1152 - 768) = 384.
Thus the increase is non linear, and so exponential growth.