Answer :
1. Consensus - Majority agreement in matters of opinions.
2. Compromise - The act of coming to an agreement by means of mutual concession.
3. Propaganda - Material distributed by the proponents of a cause.
4. Pressure group - A group that tries to influence or sway public policy.
5. Reversed - Changed; headed in the opposite direction.
1. When the decision or opinion of the majority in a group is taken regarding important matters or issues discussed among many people, the resulting agreement is known as the consensus. It means more than half of the people agree with the decision.
2. In any relation/ transaction or business, when the need arises for both parties to give up something from their side so that peace and agreement may be established. This agreement that is made based on both parties sacrificing something from their side is known as a compromise.
3. The well thought out scheme or objective of a political party or even an individual if he/she is ever elected to power is known as the propaganda of that person/ party. It mostly is the manifesto or things that will be done if they are made victorious. This type of propagandism is mainly used to sway the opinions of the voters/ people.
4. Pressure groups can be simply stated as those groups of people who tries to put their influence over certain people. They will use different forms of persuasion tactics or attempts to try to make the other person act along their interest. These [pressure groups are mostly seen in the society where they try to influence the opinion of the masses and try to change their minds if it doesn't conform to their ideas.
5. Reversed is the change in the ideas, opinions or decisions of an individual. The going back to one's previous decision or reverting back to the former or changing one's decisions is known as reversed situation. Simply put, reverse means to go back, to change etc.