Answer :
So basically you just change the ending depending on the tense(Future, past, present).
AR verb ending: bailar-bailé- bailando
Future: Voy a bailar con Maria---> I am going to dance with Maria.
Past: Bailé con Maria ---> I danced with Maria.
Present: Estoy bailando con Maria---> I am dancing with Maria.
ER verb ending: comer - comí - comiendo
Future: Voy a comer en la tarde---> I am going to eat in the afternoon
Past: Comí en la tarde ---> I ate in the afternoon
Present: Estoy comiendo en la tarde ---> I am eating in the afternoon.
IR verb ending: dormir- dormí - durmiendo
Future: Ahorita me voy a dormir ---> I am going to sleep right now
Past: Ya dormí ---> I already slept
Present: Ella está durmiendo---> She is sleeping.