what steps would you expect that president clinton and a republican controlled congress took in order to produce four years of budget surpluses from 1998 to 2002

Answer :


Clinton raised taxes, and his administration also benefited from a strong economy during the 1990s. The good economic performance was caused by the development of information technology, which raised workers' productivity.

The combination of higher taxes and more tax revenue because of the strong economy, led to the first budget surplus in 1998.

Bush cut taxes in 2001. He was advised to do so by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, who said that the budget surplus should be use to cut taxes.

Despite the tax cut, Bush continue to benefit from a strong economy in 2000, and 2001, but after 9/11, the Patriot Act, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, the budget suprlus finally became a deficit in 2003.


President Clinton and the republican controlled congress had a surplus budget during that point in time as a result of changes in policy which included increasing the tax rates for all citizens.

The American economy was very strong during that period of time as a result of new innovations such as increase in software and tech discoveries. The budget surplus was caused by

- Increase in tax rate

-Major tech/software innovations.

The government had to decrease the tax later when the surplus became very evident as a result of the people being taken into consideration to ease their burden and to also enjoy the benefits of that era.

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