Answer :
The answer is: C. If she believes that men in fact score better on math tests, this will most likely have a negative effect on her own score.
Stereotype threat is a concept developed in educational studies to analyze the effects of race or gender stereotypes in standarized test results. Educational researchers have problematized the common belief that women or minority students underperform in standarized tests because of genetics or cultural differences, and began seeking for an explanation in other social factors. They have found that stereotypes concerning educational achievement play a fundamental role in educational performance of certain students.
In this case, speaking about gender and math tests, statistics show that boys do perform better on math tests, therefore, the stereotype is that girls are not as capable in math as boys. Research shows that this stereotype acts as a threat when girls take standarized math tests: if they believe that men score better, this stereotype can have a negative effect on their score, and ultimately confirm the stereoytpe.