Answer :
1. Conducen lentamente.
2. Siempre nos saluda amablemente.
3. Pasan por la parada frecuentemente.
4. Les encanta bailar y cantar alegremente.
5. Hablan español perfectamente.
6. Lo visitan constantemente.
7. Llega tarde normalmente.
8. Trabajo independientemente.
The suffix -mente serves to form adverbs, mainly so, from adjectives. It is a very productive suffix and with it words are usually formed often and easily.
From the orthographic point of view, these words retain the tilde only if the adjective had it before the formation of the compound according to the general accentuation rules. Examples: práctica + mente = prácticamente; ágil + mente = ágilmente; común + mente = comúnmente; fácil + mente = fácilmente