Answer :
Yes it is lawful.
A sentence of probation is actually an alternative of a jail sentence. The Courts have found that probationers have reduced expectations of privacy so they don't have the same Fourth Amendment rights as others. Courts can require probationers to submit to warrantless searches not supported by probable cause. The goal is only to help rehabilitate the probationer, protect society, or both.
Although officers usually need warrants or probable cause before they can search a person or home, a search condition eliminates this requirement. In some states, an officer must have reasonable suspicion before conducting a probation search, but in others, an officer can conduct searches at any time, even without reason to believe that the probationer committed a crime. Some of these search conditions allow only probation officers to search, while others authorize both probation and police officers to do the same
The Fourth Amendment typically prevents police from searching someone’s body, belongings, or home without a warrant or probable cause. But judges gives a condition of sentencing someone to probation, that the probationer agree to warrantless searches. Since this condition does not entitled the probationer’s normal Fourth Amendment rights, it’s sometimes called a “Fourth waiver.”