Answer :
Answer and Explanation:
Basically, NetSecIT is a software house where employees are connecting with each other through 120,000 computers and 45,000 servers. They are communicating using smartphones and email. For this purpose, NetSecIt implements asymmetric encryption in their software house. Lets us clear the Asymmetric Encryption first.
Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric encryption is used for encrypting and digitally signing data.It involved in communication as well. It has two major algorithm which has been used according to situation.
Major Algorithms are
- Diffie-Hellman key agreement (DH)
- Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
- Elliptic Curve Cryto graph y (ECG)
- Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
Diffie-Hellman key agreement (DH)
DH is not for encryption and decryption of data but it is used when two parties are involved in communication. they generate a key for exchange the information.
For example
we have two parties that is Q1 and Q2
Both parties had choose two integers p and l then
Q1 chooses randomly an integer i and send it to Q2 using variable p B=a^i
Q2 chooses a randomly an integer j and send it to Q1 using variable p C=a^j
Q1 computes m1 = B^i mode l
Q2 computes m2 = C^i mode l
then m1 and m2 are secret keys.
Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
RSA is using for encryption and decryption.
Elliptic Curve Cryto graph y (ECG)
is basically used for smaller devices like cell phones.It requires less computing power compared with RSA. ECG based on a curve that contain public / private key pair
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
DSA is used for creating some digital signals faster than validating it.
All these algorithm has been used for encryption
So as NetSecIt has a general purpose of using encryption technology so after a brief description of asymmetric encryption you can see that its some algorithm have better impact on the situation such as Digital Signature Algorithm DSA , RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryto graph y (ECG). So company has to used some algorithm for using asymmetric algorithm in their company then they will communicate with their employee and employee communicate using smartphone and email.Hence proved encryption solution is a best meet the company's needs.