Answer :
c. PP
Jake has dominant phenotype for polydactyly so he must be PP or Pp. Lucy has normal number of toes which is caused by recessive genotype so she is definitely pp.
If Jake was Pp, Pp X pp would produce half Pp and half pp kittens which means that some kittens should be born with recessive trait 18 toes. However none of the kittens have 18 toes and all of them have 21 to 25 toes. So Jake can not be Pp.
Jake is PP because when PP X pp all the kittens will have Pp genotype resulting in dominant phenotype of polydactyly. All the kittens have more than the recessive 18 toes hence they are Pp. However they have variable number of toes because polydactyly trait has variable expressivity.