Answer :


The correct answer is A; Chemical.

Further Explanation:

Pictograms are used per OSHA for the Hazard Communication Standard. All of the pictograms are used to warn the person of the dangers of chemicals. Each pictogram must have a white background and must have a red border around the pictogram.

There is a total of nine pictograms that are used to warn of chemical dangers. The pictograms that are on the labels are;

  1. Health Hazard
  2. Flame
  3. Exclamation Point
  4. Gas Cylinder
  5. Corrosion
  6. Exploding Bomb
  7. Flame over Circle
  8. Environment
  9. Skull and Crossbones

Learn more about pictograms at


All of them,





As per OSHA standards, all of the hazards listed are included in standard pictograms.

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