Answer :
public class Controlador: MonoBehavior
// we declare velocity variable, we can change the value to get more speed
public float velocidad = 3f;
void Start()
void Update()
// with this condition we select the key for the movement.
// for example the left arrow or the letter "a"
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . LeftArrow) |I Input . GetKey("a"))
transform . position += Vector3 . left * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . RightArrow) |I Input . GetKey("d"))
transform . position += Vector3 . right * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . UpArrow) |I Input . GetKey("w"))
transform . position += Vector3 . up * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . DownArrow) |I Input . GetKey("s"))
transform . position += Vector3 . down * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;