First, answer who, what, where, when, why and how from reading the case. How was the victim, Bobby Frank killed and with what type of weapon? What would be the primary characteristics of this type of wound?

Answer :


Who: Nathan Leopold, Richard Loeb, and Bobby Frank.

What: Murder of Bobby Frank When:May 21, 1924.

Why: Nathan Leopold and Richard "Dickie" Loeb had the desire to commit the perfect murder. Their desire was not necessarily to commit murder it was to get away with the murder.

  • Bobby Frank was lured into a car, murdered with a chisel, and then his body was stashed in a culvert

  • Usually slit-like,but when the object is removed the skin contracts slightly, leaving a wound that is slightly shorter than the blade width. The center of the wound often widens. The size of the wound usually depends on the depth that the object went into the body.

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