I just want to know if what i have so far of my conclusion of my argumentative essay is good or decent. Unless you want to, you don't need to give feedback. I just want to know if what I have so far is good and if you can understand the point of the essay. Just a personal opinion. (If you do want to give feedback, i want to include the counterclaim in some way, but im not sure how, or how to phrase it, so you could help alot with that) Thank you! What i have of my conclusion so far is:

"After reading this essay on why I believe child soldier's don't deserve amnesty, because; they enjoy working as soldier's. They don't care about who they hurt, and they won't be able to adapt to non-radical views. Im sure you can understand why I believe child soldier's don't deserve amnesty. In case you need a reminder, I quoted from the article " The child soldier on trial at Guantanamo" for each of the pieces of evidence i used. ​

Answer :

You explained your self to much your not letting the reader have there own opinion on your Essay.

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