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Samhain is a Gaelic festival, celebrated in which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the winter season or “darker portion” of the year. It has been celebrated through out the course of history in Celtic regions, such as Scotland and Ireland, and other areas such as Galicia. It is generally celebrated from the 31st of October to the 1st of November. It’s roots are inherently Celtic pagan, and it is has long been considered a special time and festivity since ancient times. The festival of Samhain has been mentioned in the oldest of Irish literature and mythology. ” According to Irish mythology, Samhain was a time when the ‘doorways’ to the Otherworld opened, allowing supernatural beings and the souls of the dead to come into our world.” It is typical to burn bonfires, or recreate flames as fires were seen to mimick the Sun, and inspire the “powers of growth” during the darkness of winter. A typical tradition during Samhain was to disguise or costume yourself as one of the pagan gods or fairies, and go from house-to-house receiving offerings on their behalf. This tradition is still practiced wildly, as individuals from all over the world dress up and go “trick or treating and it has inspired traditions in Halloween.” Another similar tradition was the carving of turnips, which were to act as lanterns – which we now know as “jack o lanterns.” Some of these traditions are believed to date back to the 16th century.
Answer:Mexico is not the only country that celebrates Day of the Dead. Many other Latin countries like Columbia, Ecuador, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru, and Venezuela all have their distinct ways of welcoming back their passed loved ones.
People travel across the year (or the world) to feast together on this special day. During this 2-day celebration, Filipinos light candles, clean cemeteries, and honor relatives who passed away. While this might seem depressing to outsiders, this is a time to celebrate the legacies of those who came before.