The following procedure was intended to remove all occurrences of element x from list L. Explain why it doesn't always work and suggest a way to repair the procedure so that it performs its intended task.

procedure delete (x: elementtype; var L: LIST);
p: position;
p:= FIRST(L);
while p <> END(L) do begin
if RETRIEVE(p,L) =x then
p := NEXT(p,L)
end; { delete }

Answer :


The answer is explained below


The procedure in the question doesn't work in all the cases. If there are more than one x elements in the List L consecutively then by applying this procedure all the x terms are not deleted because after deleting element x from the List L at position p, the element(suppose this element is also x) at position p+1 moves to position p. But in the above procedure, after deleting x at position p, p it moved forward and the element x at position p after deletion is not checked.

The procedure to remove all the occurrences of element x from List L is given below.

procedure delete ( x: elementtype; var L: LIST );


p: position;


p := FIRST(L);

while p <> END(L) do begin

                     if RETRIEVE(p, L) = x then

                                     DELETE(p, L);


                                       p := NEXT(p, L)


end; { delete }

The variable p should not be moved forward after deleting an element from the position p. So we place that statement under an else condition.

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