Answer :
This quote`I would of loved to do it hard n wet but it was to much for me but we could try it slower just don't come as much next time unless it's in my mouth, all that needs to happen is that we néed to do it in front of evryone if you get what I mean like I'm not shy if u are it's fine but I will sit on u u if u are we will bbanng u till my flower is stiff and ure thing has fell of it is very big so it has more of a chance I Love u u know come huh BANG BANG BANG THUD SCREEM that was nice wasn't it thank u very much I love u BANG BANG SCREEM SCREECH THUD ahhhh that repeatedly carred on for 1 momth straight then they split up the mum said give me a bit of that n that is how her mum cheated on her with her boyfriend end of th story after we have another bang with my mum she is giving me a fist right now lucky me I'm going to fist her now sfe enjoy your story by J. K Rowling
It was a story for u enjoy I had to replace all the words cause it wouldn't let me put them in