Economic reasoning is based on the premise that: only economic decisions or actions have a cost associated with them. only non-economic decisions or actions have a cost associated with them. all decisions or actions have a cost associated with them. all decisions or actions are costless.

Answer :



Economic reasoning is based on the premise that: all decisions or actions have a cost associated with them.


Economic reasoning is a way of thinking in which all the actions are presented and analysed using economic principles to determine their economic viability. Some of the principles that form a basis for economic reasoning are;

1. People face trade-off's: every person has to engage in trade at one point or another since resources will always be limited and human needs are infinite. Therefor there will always be a scarcity that needs to be fulfilled.

2. People economize: people will always make decisions on something based on what they perceive as the best economic decision in terms of benefits over costs.

3. All choices involve costs: every choice even if it doesn't involve money or a  business transaction has a cost. Even doing nothing has a cost since there is an opportunity cost of another alternative activity.

4. The consequences of choices lie in the future: decisions are often made without knowing what is to come. Humans however try to use their knowledge to predict the future. The future holds the consequences on the choices made now.

5. People respond to incentives: incentives can be either rewards or punishments. These incentives determine how people will react and can be used to model behavior.

6. Voluntary trade creates wealth because both parties expect to gain value from the exchange.

7. Markets facilitate exchange: these institutions encourage people to engage trade depending on their individual perceptions.

8. Governments can some times improve market outcomes

9. The standards of living, both individual and national all depend on the ability to produce goods and services.

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