What is one important event after which one of these committees in the previous question was established?

Previous Q: Another important special committee is called a(n) (Ruling, Appropriations. Investigation) committee.


Answer :

In the year 1950, there was an investigation organised by a chairman of senate leading to forming of an investigation committee.


An investigation committee is the one which investigates into a particular situation. It might be a crime situation when the investigation might be done to find hints to solve the matter and catch the culprit of that crime.

This was found in the year 1950 by the congress by a chairman of the senate against a candidate for the presidential election. In 1950, Tennessee Democratic Senator Estes Kefauver captured national attention while chairman of a Senate investigation into organized crime. The crime hearings were the first Congressional investigation to be televised and made Kefauver a serious contender for the presidency.

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