how grieg achieves unity and variety in the piece in the hall of the mountain king from the peer gynt suite No1 Op46(2:51) played by the violins

Answer :

Grieg achieves unity and variety in the piece in the hall of the mountain king from the peer gynt suite No1 Op46(2:51) played by the violins

Violins and violas associate with oboe and clarinet play the melody at a higher pitch. It was easily recognizable theme which has helped us to attain iconic status in popular culture.


  • Peer Gynt is an accidental music to Henrik Ibsen's 1867 play of the same name Norwegian fairy tale. A Norwegian peasant anti-hero, he is constantly drunk, getting in and out of trouble is the story of Peer Gynt.
  • He experienced real and imaginary adventures, including the one that is illustrated in the piece to which you will be listening.
  • It is played by the violins. The entire music by listening to it at least three times from beginning to end will familiarize yourself.
  • The overall key of B minor. The transparent theme begins slowly and quietly in the low note on musical instruments of the orchestra, played first by the cellos, double basses, and bassoons.  
  • The two groups of instruments then move in and out of different octaves until they collide with each other at the equal pitch.
  • The tempo gradually speeds up to a prestissimo at last, and the music itself becomes increasingly fast and energetic.

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