Based on the definition of a watershed, how many different watersheds were there in your model? Explain how you determined this number.

Answer :


Water shed is created when an area or land separates the water flowing to different rivers, basin and seas.


Water shed are of different types-

  1. Large water sheds-Contain well developed channel networks.
  2. Small water sheds-Contain dominant land phase.
  3. Urban watershed-It is dominated by building,roads,pavements.
  4. Agriculture water shed-
  5. Forest water shed-Evapotranspiration is the dominant component of the hydrologic cycle.
  6. Mountain water shed-mountain is the dominant component that separates the water flow.
  7. Desert water shed-Sand dunes sand mounds that are formed by blowing air causes separation of water flow.
  8. Coastal watershed-Coastal area may partly be urban and is dynamic contact with sea.The hydrology is influenced by tidal action.

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