Matching the following:
2. deregulation
to remove or relax regulations or
rules on something
in politics, the current leader of an
organization or government
to have a damaged dirty, or
corrupted reputation
the condition of being without
energy or inspiration
3. doldrums
4. incumbent

Answer :

1. Defiled - to have a damaged dirty or corrupted reputation

2. Deregulation – To remove or relax regulations or rules on something

3 Doldrums – the condition of being without energy or inspiration

4. Incumbent – the current leader of an organization or government  


These terms when used with reference to politics or military;  

Defiled person means a person with a tainted or corrupted reputation

Deregulation refers to removal or relaxation of powers imposed by the government on industries or organizations

Doldrum stage in politics refers to a sagging dull period without any energy.

The leader who is holding an office or a position currently till the new election is held is an incumbent leader.



1. deregulation to remove or relax regulations or rules on something

2. destabilize to make a nation lose face with its people, thereby causing its downfall

3. détente a lessening of mistrust or hostility between two people or nations    

4. inflation   an increase of currency in relation to the amount of goods available, resulting in higher prices

5. stagnant to stand still or be unmoving

6. subpoena legal order to appear in court, which can apply to a person or a document

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