
My favorite book is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, he was born in 1894 and died in 1963 ________. Written in 1931 ________. A futuristic society where humans are born out of test tubes and kept in rigid social classes ________. This may not seem like a humorous premise for a novel, but Huxley uses satire, which is a type of humor that is used to make a serious point ________. The humans in Brave New World learn through sleep teaching, Huxley calls this "hypnopedia" ________. Everyone is kept "happy" in the brave new world by taking a pill called soma, there is one character named John the Savage who does not take soma ________. because he comes from a different part of the world where there is no technology, and he believes in natural ways of living ________. It turns out that John has a big problem with the brave new world and how people live there ________. Will he be able to survive living there, well you will have to read the novel to find out ________. Brave New World is considered a classic in English literature, it is one of the best novels I have ever read ________.

Answer :


  1. of cancer,
  2. was his novel 'Brave New World',
  3. classes the poor and the rich,
  4. to stand out,
  5. hypnopaedia,
  6. soma
  7. living
  8. more,
  9. read


1. A better rendering or missing word of the sentence could be; what caused his death; cancer.

2. What occurred in this year should be mentioned; he started writing his novel 'Brave New World'.

3. social classes could be simplified as 'classes the poor and the rich,'

4. the main point to stand out gives a clearer thought.

5 to 9. No need for correction, because the words stil communicates the thoughts of story clearly.

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