Answer :
a) Liberty is guaranteed by article 1 by the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen. The first article states that all men are born and remain free, while also having equal rights. The liberty is later called one of the natural rights of man and is considered to be anything in power of the person that they can do, that doesn't injure other people. Political associations should also have an aim to protect this right.
b) Equality before the law is defended under article 6. In this article, it is stated that the law must be the same for all, in cases of protection, as well as in cases of punishment. No matter what employment, talents, virtues, dignity or place people hold, they must be the same in the eyes of law, and therefore must all face trial, be punished and protected equally. The later article also states people shall be punished and arrested only if the law says so.
c) Religious freedom is promised by the article 10. The declaration states that no one must be disturbed because of their opinion in case they don't harm or disturb others, and it is underlined that this includes religious opinions. Therefore the freedom of religious opinions, ideas, practices is promised to all those who do not violate the law.
d) Freedom of speech is guaranteed by article 11. This article talks about free communication of thoughts and opinions, which means every person has the right to say their opinion and speak openly about it. This is considered to be "one of the most precious rights of men". It is stated this includes speaking, writing and printing and that this freedom must not be abused.
e) The right to maintain the property is promised in article 17. Article 17 calls the property "sacred right" that can't be violated. This right mustn't be denied to anyone unless legal establishment says otherwise. Therefore, everyone has the freedom to maintain their property. This is also previously been named as one of the natural rights of man that should be preserved by the political associations.