Chelsea and Miguel disagree about which new healthcare insurance to adopt for their company. Chelsea wants to choose a cost-effective policy as soon as possible, while Miguel wants to ensure that employees do not see a reduction in benefits because of the change. What can you deduce about Chelsea and Miguel from this information?

Answer :

Answer:Chelsea has a red Motivational Value Sytem; Miguel has a blue Motivational Value System.

Explanation: Motivational Value System is a tool used to define how certain behavior is driven by our sense of self worthy. These behavior tool we also use to eliminate things we don't want. We are driven by the need to fulfill our sense of self worthy

Our MVS system is dependent on Strength Development Inventory (SDI) principle which is used by American model of psychology. SDI allocate individual into major motivation using three colors. Blue colour which represents Altruistic careers , Red which represents go-getting leaders , and Green which represent analytical

Blue ,Miguel is associated with Altruism which refers to someone who does things that will not benefits them but for the sake of benefiting others , it is someone who is selfless who expects nothing in return for their action .

Chelsea is the go getter driven and ambitious to pursue what they want ,and they are fearless individual who will even ask for salary raise from their boss.