Answer :

Answer: The FP-s are stored as sign (1.)111111111111 - number of bits.

Also 24 bits resolution there can be 23 zeros


The –1·2²⁴ might be stored as -1 · 1.00000000000000000000000(1 ←the 2⁰), it depends on how the FFP “engine” manages this, it may also be code specific a n+1–n does return 1 but 1–n+n does not. you should carry out a test for a specific compiler/computer

This is what javascript does with double (k+=1; n-=1) e.g

the (k+=2; n-=2) should be used to pass ±0x20000000000000

${teks-lihat-gambar} temitopeogundele22
${teks-lihat-gambar} temitopeogundele22

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