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4.Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Explanation:twenty four hundred years ago Plato taught that every human soul has the desire to reach for a higher, purer, and more spiritual truth that will illuminate our lives and transform our world. That’s made him the chief spokesman for every religious mystic and every believer in a supernatural reality the West has ever produced, but also for poets, (whose works he said, “are not of man or human workmanship, but are divine and from the gods”), artists and musicians, not to mention lovers who are also soulmates (there’s a reason why it’s called Platonic love).
2. Aristotle, on the other hand, said the light of truth is found here in the material world, and our job is to understand and find our place in it. That made him the father of Western science (he wrote the first books on every field from biology and physics to astronomy and psychology) as well as technology, and the paragon of logical linear thinking, as opposed to Plato’s belief in the value of intuitive leaps of imagination.