The following program redundantly repeats the same expressions many times. Modify the program to remove all redundant expressions using variables of appropriate types. (Your variables should be used to help solve the overall problem. You must use a sufficient number of variables to receive credit for solving this problem. Declare and initialize each variable in its own statement on its own line.)

Answer :



The program is:

public class ComputePay {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Calculate pay at work based on hours worked each day

System.out.println("My total hours worked:");

System.out.println(4 + 5 + 8 + 4);

System.out.println("My hourly salary:");


System.out.println("My total pay:");

System.out.println((4 + 5 + 8 + 4) * 8.75);

System.out.println("My taxes owed:"); // 20% tax

System.out.println((4 + 5 + 8 + 4) 8.75 0.20); } }


The first expression that is being repeated many times is the sum of 4+5+8+4. This sum can be stored in a variable that can be used instead of repeating this expression redundantly. Name this variable as hoursWorked

The value of hourly salary is also being used redundantly. So lets store this in a variable and name this variable as hourlySalary

Here the total pay is basically the product of hours worked and hourly salary. So lets store this value in a variable and names this variable as totalPay

Tax rate here is 20% So this can also be stored in a variable tax

Tax owed is the product of hours worked, hourly salary and and tax rate. So this value can also be stored in a variable and names it as taxOwed

So now the program without redundant expressions is given below:

public class ComputePay {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Calculate pay at work based on hours worked each day

int hoursWorked = 4+5+8+4;

double hourlySalary = 8.75;

double totalPay  = hoursWorked * hourlySalary ;

double tax = 0.20;

double taxOwed = hoursWorked * hourlySalary * tax;  

//above statement can also be written as  taxOwed = totalPay * tax

System.out.println("My total hours worked:");


System.out.println("My hourly salary:");

System.out.println("$" + hourlySalary );

System.out.println("My total pay:");


System.out.println("My taxes owed:"); // 20% tax

System.out.println(taxOwed); }  }

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