Answer :



The organic matter present in the soil helps in improving the structure and stability of the soil. This affects in increase in pore size and also increases the volume of the soil.

The effect of organic matter on the following parameters is as follows:

1) Water holding capacity: The increase in pores in the soil will enhance the water holding capacity of the soil. The number of micropores and macropores will increase and this will lead to aggregation of the soil particles and will help in creating the favorable living environment for the soil microbes.

2) Nutrient holding capacity: The capacity of the soil to hold the nutrients that come from fertilizer or from natural sources is the nutrient holding capacity of the soil and it is against the leaching of the minerals from the soil. If the organic content of the soil increases it will readily absorb the nutrients obtain from natural source or from fertilizers. It will allow the nutrient exchange between plants and soil.

When % organic content of a soil increases, the water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil increases.

The organic matter in soil helps to improve the structure of soil and also to add nutrients to the soil. The organic matter in soil binds soil particles together to form lumps.

As the soil is aggregated in to lumps, its water holding capacity is greatly enhanced because water seeps more easily through porous soil rather than through a lump of soil.

Also, organic matter in soil is an essential source of important nutrients in soil such as; nitrogen, phosphorus and trace metals. Hence, the nutrient holding capacity of soil is increased when the % organic content of a soil increases.

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